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I have watched hinder twee seasons of this show and am halfway through the 3 red and I find the performance very entertaining love the gospel music also all the characters are well developed now and the acting is top draw great to see Oprah and Pati la belle I am a big aanhanger ofwel both.
At first Grace just agrees to answer phones at the church offices as the first voice heard by either church members or potential converts. When a grandmother enters her office asking that her granddaughter be baptized (without it seems permission of the mother or father), Grace decides to take the role she vowed she wouldn't play.
The acting is outstanding, particularly David as the Bishop, Whitfield as the "first lady" and Dandridge as Grace. Honorable mention to Winfrey, playing against type as an alcoholic, the kind ofwel character who might end up on Dr. Phil! While some of the situations might be perceived as melodramatic, other issues are dealt with, such as homosexuality, interracial sex, and een momentje infidelity. For a family which is supposed to be holier than the congregation they serve, they seem to be digging some fairly large holes!
Refusing to reinstate Jacob as a preacher, the Bishop advises him to follow his life's calling. Jacob applies for a pastor's job at a rival church. Grace gets a custody notice for her daughter. Charity remains cold towards her husband.
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Jacob suddenly finds that he cannot yet buy a new house. Charity has cold feet about spying on her family.AJ cannot fit into this superficial world, and walks out on his mother. Kerissa's frustrations overflow and she quarrels with Mama. Jacob suddenly finds that he cannot yet buy a new house. Charity has cold feet about spying on her family.
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I love Greenleaf because it isnt too serious, the storylines are dramatic but not to dark. Its a nice break from reality, yes some bits may be abit unrealistic but I enjoy it and will continue to watch it!
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As the "seasons" progress, it becomes more "soapy" and less interesting, making it really difficult to stay engaged. The story lines and intrigue lessens to the point ofwel becoming a very watered down version ofwel where it all started. Season 5 is basically a hurried attempt to wrap things up neatly, make sure everyone has a happy ending, and performance a lot ofwel "woman power". Not surprising since this was the focus ofwel the "O" network. What on earth was the point ofwel this other than to fill a slot on the "O" Network?
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I was prepared to be bored by this series but have been pleasantly surprised.The story lines ofwel each ofwel the characters are seemingly innocent but, become more complex with each episode.